Keep your little pooch insulated from the cold in their new CDDMPET Waterproof Puffer Jacket For Dog. Modeled after a human jacket but equipped with a poop-chute. The poofy materials were designed for . The outer shell breaks the wind and will keep your dog warm and dry in moderate rain or wet snow.
More cheap gear for your pets at .
Features of the CDDMPET Waterproof Puffer Jacket For Dog
All Over Protection
⇨ Equipped with a hood and sleeves for each leg. The elastic cuffs hug the legs to trap in heat and to prevent snow and ice from creeping in. -
Caring for Their New Jacket
⇨ Crafted from high-grade cotton, the new jacket is machine washable. To keep the inner lining even, toss a tennis ball into the dryer to prevent clumping. -
Wear it Anywhere
⇨ You won’t have to leave your furry friend behind because of the cold. Take them with you to your favorite brewpub patio or to a late-season children’s outdoor sporting event.
Type: Dogs
Pattern: Solid
Season: Winter
Brand Name: CDDMPET
Material: Polyester